Tuesday, August 28, 2007

eclipsed moon
the palm sized dog
touches my heart

[Cross posted to One Deep Breath; this is a dreamku, see my blog for A DREAMKU PRIMER; Image: The Three of Wands in The Voyager Tarot]


Roswila said...

Thanks. :-)

Pan Haiku Review said...

Scary, but interesting. I know nothing about dreamku, but well done for creating the genre! ;-)

Roswila said...

Dreamku is actually very close kin to haiku -- a kissing cousin, if you will. Most of the differences are in degree, not kind. BTW, I developed dreamku in order to respect haiku. I'd been trying for years to write about my dreams in haiku and very rarely had even minimal success. So rather than keep torturing the haiku form, I decided to develop a new off-shoot, dreamku. Sort of like rather than keep breaking the rules, I re-wrote them. LOL!

This dreamku scary? Hm, I think I can get how you'd say that. For me, after writing the dreamku I liked the contrast between the implied sadness of an eclipsed moon and that sweet dog right there in the palm of my hand. :-)