Saturday, September 1, 2007

I volunteer!

autumn thoughts
send email

bye Isabel

New site is up!
Click HERE for details.
urban garden
fern clinging
to brick

secret messages
door & sewer

Friday, August 31, 2007

end of summer
mulching, deadheading and pruning
during quiet morninigs

Summer Haiku is closing

It's time for Summer Haiku to come to a close. Sadly I will not be able to host an Autumn Haiku this year, but hope that someone else will volunteer to carry on the tradition!

waving goodbye
to a new friend -
summer's end


Thursday, August 30, 2007

hot laundromat
she speaks Korean
I use hand gestures
new tendrils
reach into thin air
morning glory
end of summer
different watering schedule
another shift change
last days of summer —
patches of gray
in my five o’clock shadow

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

after the rain
morning glories wrap around
blooming mimosa

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

morning glories climb
the dry sunflower stalks
corn moon*

*American Indian name for the August full moon (today)


after the shower
temperature drops
to 80F!
in the fourth watch
light from lunar eclipse
bathes a burning bush

eclipsed moon
the palm sized dog
touches my heart

[Cross posted to One Deep Breath; this is a dreamku, see my blog for A DREAMKU PRIMER; Image: The Three of Wands in The Voyager Tarot]

Monday, August 27, 2007

summer returns-
brown tipped grass
in neighbors' yards

Saturday, August 25, 2007

in the last movement~
summer symphony
morning stroll
the sounds of dry leaves
before autumn
3 AM
weeding and watering
before weekend shift
evening light ~
the blue transparency
of a dragonfly


lumière du soir ~
la transparence bleue
d'une libellule
dog days —
I keep killing
the same mosquito

Friday, August 24, 2007

after the rain
extra weeding around
pink hibiscus blooms

Thursday, August 23, 2007

deep space burn
I reach for my ultra-high
sun protection factor

Anyone who knows any budding poets:
space haiku competition for under sixteens!

flash of yellow
a butterfly headbutts me
in my work break


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

back from vaca
lingering in the garden
before going to work

back from vaca
packer stacatto
over plant floor rhythms
I grasp my blanket
while the world rolls over
daybreak already?

~ ~ ~

the day's climb up the dunes
birds and their songs

~ ~ ~

Cutting the deck,
sea from sky
the sun's first light

(cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)

August chill —
a freight train
speeds by

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

strawberries space-food
the summer heat thaws them
and me

As part of my National Poetry Day (U.K.) commission, 
I have been testing NASA authorised space food,
and the strawberries are real but spacified.
Strange but tasty.

Monday, August 20, 2007

wind squall ~
the fountain changes
its tempo


coup de vent ~
la fontaine change
de tempo
mobile beauty
in delivery van

Saturday, August 18, 2007

the mountains

the mountains
are lost in the mist
beyond greenery

photo: lori bierly
words: mandy smith

a follow on to Roswilla's ku

["beyond these flat tracks the mountains" -- words were one of my contributions to the Haiku Train currently moving forward at One Deep Breath, the sketch (such as it is :-D) is mine, too]
a summer shower
shivering the surface
of the sea
and all the colours
darken in the rain
school's back -
of tiny dramas

Thursday, August 16, 2007

sweet separation:
flesh from pit,

dripping juice

(Cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)
that peach,
not ready yesterday,
was ripe today

(Cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)
tarty splash
suburban yard
reveals a universe
weeding on my knees

[one of my contributions to the Haiku Train currently chugging along at One Deep Breath]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

summer over

summer over
at the end of the bridge
no looking back

photo: emily lin
mandy smith

["summer of rainstorms greener in between" .... 1990's photo by Roswila of a 150 year-old weeping beech tree that is survived now by her off-spring]

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Do you remember the night in the park, years ago, when our futures took a different direction? We saw the moon, the one I see now, look down at us. Even though its shape and color has changed so many times, its real face never has - nor have ours...
shadows spread
from the old oak tree~
summer night
cold paradise
first taste of
Hansen's Sno-Blitz

Sno(w) balls or sno(w) cones are made with crushed ice and sweet syrup.

Hansen's ice is super soft. It absorbs the syrup better than any other type of crushed ice.

It's refreshing to eat this and helps you forget about the heat.

new moon-
just a window light competes
with the perseid shower


Monday, August 13, 2007

dawn -
light moves across
the curve of the apple

Sunday, August 12, 2007

lured by its scent,
I bite into a peach
before it is ripe

Saturday, August 11, 2007

pictures of Paris
on the wall, fading~
southern heat
immovable dawn ~
the slow movement
of shadows


aube immobile ~
le lent mouvement
des ombres

Friday, August 10, 2007

Last winter, I was walking barefoot on my wooden floor, while everyone else in this blog was freezing to death. Well, I am now the one not enjoying the weather and envying the rest of the group!

under the tree
hot heavy air

two heat sources
hot flash

cold shower

Hades on Earth
car door

sun bleach
caladium's burgundy veins
very pale pink

half gone
water bottle

Thursday, August 9, 2007

vacation eve
last minute gardening
ret to pack my stuff

For mmm

image by Trevor Haddrell

Floating World Japanese Festival
with Trevor Haddrell
Bristol Floating Harbour September 2003
the catch gets harder --
dusk levels distinctions
between grass and frog

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

found treasure
in parking lot
Chucky Cheese token

(Chucky Cheese is a pizza chain store. After the children eat, they can play games with the tokens.)

rooves, trees, cars mixed up
a tornado buzzes
The Big Apple

[An EF2 category tornado -- winds up to 111 mph -- hit Brooklyn (New York City, New York) early this morning. There's no record of one in Brooklyn ever before. In Queens -- where I live, sort of northeast of the area hit -- the storm was a fast and amazingly furious downpour with a great deal of lightning.]

for Josiah

summer fog —
the recruiter’s shiny new car
pulls up to the house

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

steamy morning
wilting with the garden
as I do my chores

tendril by tendril,
the wisteria closes
my garden gate

(Cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)

Monday, August 6, 2007

full weekend
50 cent plants at roadside
two flowerpots full
stone bench -
the snail gives up to me
the other half


banc de pierre -
l'escargot me cède
l'autre moitié

[Posted as a response to One Deep Breath's prompt this week of "evening." Sketch is also by me.]
child's face at the window -
morning glories
filling with rain

Sunday, August 5, 2007

wet forecast -
snail swaggers
out for the day

Saturday, August 4, 2007

sultry days

sultry days awaiting a wind that must surely come

words: mandy smith
photo: phill deason

suncaught -
a beer and the barmaid
from another pub

topical haiku even the wine blushes


bright heat

wedding party-
inbetween the brightness
a grounded white rose

Friday, August 3, 2007

wide open window
a dream of flying over
tossing green trees
in the sky
and on the hill
the same cloud


dans le ciel
et sur la colline
le même nuage

*from my Taiga Tarot, a deck-in-progress.
summer habit

very early commute
watering the garden
at 4 AM

Thursday, August 2, 2007

during shift from hell
great dialougue lines
for onging story
patterns of light
floating through the trees -
splash of an apple falling
first brambles
bright eyes
gaze at me from the bush

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

how many years ago?
the taste of a cherry
just like this one
morning gardening...
planting rose of sharon
for next year's privacy
Empire State Building
he asks if I'm a tourist
as I gaze up
August —
the dog’s breath
against my leg

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

change of shift
children serenading me
as I waken

Upper, right panel reads:
still old water
elephant ears
cradle raindrops.

Monday, July 30, 2007

power lines

power lines beneath summer clouds children play

words & photo © gerald england, 2007

prompted by the "feathered friends" theme at one deep breath

another photograph of this sculpture can be seen at Ackworth born, gone West
summer rain...
may december romance
severed too quickly
moving back and forth
to stay in the shade
in this hot day
unable to ignore
the motion of time
staring -
black eyes
sunflower's center
my blind neighbour
fingers each new bloom
...and smiles

Sunday, July 29, 2007

startled awake
it's only thunder
blessing moon*

*one name for the August full moon

the graphite
in an overcast summer sky-
iTunes from my desktop
wedding plans-
two of my future in-laws
help me keep sane
extra innings —
the dog groans
in its sleep

Friday, July 27, 2007

teen boy bike riding –
no shoes, no hands, no helmet –
big grin
after SFH*
trenching new garden bed
to find center

after the rain
sanity washes through
the plant floor

*shift from heck
small white starred weeds
beneath the tall flowers
my aching back

Thursday, July 26, 2007

windless night —
a cloud of gnats
all around me
rough shift at plant
stopping for some fresh flowers
on the way home
cats cradle
braiding her long fine hair
in humid weather

* * * *

pounding from downstairs
the handsome handyman
likes to sweat
across the leaves
a two-headed shadow -
squirrel raids the orchard

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

morning jaunt
finding another city park
during taxi duty

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

fallen petal -
a dull duck

Monday, July 23, 2007

summer sick day
looking out at the garden
wishing I could eat
silence shattered -
a snail underfoot
in the long grass

Sunday, July 22, 2007

cool summer night —
I leave another voicemail
for my daughter


river's fireflies
battery operated
bicycle lights
the day brightens
a sunflower peeps out
from behind a hollyhock
another downpour
the smell of barbecue
reminds me it's summer

Friday, July 20, 2007


glory vines strangle the gate morning after

* * * *

a bright blue bottle
in the elm's shadows
rest stop

* * * *

trail of pink bubble gum patches almost home

Thursday, July 19, 2007

mountain walk-
the jocondologue's
enigmatic sunglasses
tall thistles -
through their leaves
rags of blue sky

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

vacation planning..
finding the right someone
to tend my garden
one year on -
no tan lines on my
ring finger

Apologies for being distracted from Summer Haiku. Especially if I missed anyone's request to join. Please le t me know of anything I missed while I was away!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

afternoon sun

afternoon sun
wet feet follow
the tide line

photo: steve glossin
mandy smith
sudden summer storm
the couch cover starts to come
with me to the window
morning task
garden bed hand dug from clay


sudden outbreak-
I welcome the cold rain
without a raincoat

against the white clouds -
a swallow
anchoring my thoughts

(after Ian Hamilton Findlay:concrete poet)

Monday, July 16, 2007

we pick
sun warmed berries
the cool lake

sticky summer day
first sip of cool lemonade
my whole body goes "ah......"

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

after the rain
new weeds sprout in flower pots

Thursday, July 12, 2007

summer afternoon
dad teaching son to mow lawn

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

thistle's purple bonnet -
bee's weight
tips it jauntily

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

after power goes out
dust dances in the sunbeams
through the plant skylights

writer-in-residence in sunny Cheap Street

While I was a writer-in-residence at the Frome Festival (U.K.) a member of staff, Jen Pickup, even wrote two haiku with me in!

Resident writer
sitting in the window shade
scribbling lines.

Noise from the stream street
Drifting in past the poet
Into the shop cool.

For more information and links: click onto Area 17

on city chimneys
gulls sitting -
their songs of the sea

Monday, July 9, 2007

summer torrent

summer torrent
pigeon at the bird feeder

words & photo © gerald england, 2007

prompted by the "feathered friends" theme at one deep breath
out from a sky
of black and white clouds -
crows and gulls
'jazz on a summer's day' -
a basket full of flowers
full of bees

Sunday, July 8, 2007

the child halts
in the shade of the old elm
dripping ice pop

Friday, July 6, 2007

shift from hell
arrested by jasmine fragrance
wafting into the plant

Thursday, July 5, 2007

pending fireworks color cloud bottoms
soggy holiday
enjoying the fireworks
from my couch

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

hugging the hot stone -
a lone rose
dying of thirst

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

garden run
red dwarf crepe myrtle
and peach day lillies

storm warning-
inbetween poetry & coffee
that Hovis ad

Web link: six poets go to Dorset

Monday, July 2, 2007

day dawns
darkness disperses -
leaving the crows behind
summer morning -
to see such joy
wriggling through a horse

Friday, June 29, 2007

after the rain
a verdant blush creeps
over the parched lawn
hot night of dreams .... mooning

[Does this one-liner work at all? I mean to imply three different meanings for that last word. :-D]
felled forest -
a single bird
darting through the silence

Thursday, June 28, 2007

empty classroom~
in the heat, writing lessons
for autumn
trees overhang -
the stream changes
from bubbling light to gloomy

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

early commute
red and yellow cannas
float over black mulch
heat wave!
the chapel in the snow
One daddy longlegs
makes a mountain of our tent –
we watch from inside

(Crossposted at But Wait, There's More!)

post midnight

post midnight
suns sets on the Bering Sea
all shades of orange

words by gerald england
photo by
r brett stirling

Photograph first appeared on Alaska: The View From Up Here
passing over
full of puddles

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

summer rain-
it comes again,
rainy summer day
scarlet maple leaves
swirling in run off

hand-in-hand sweethearts
umbrella as parasol
summer stroll

glaring sunlight
my shadow leads
the way
...down the stream
a single rose petal
weaves between the ducks

Monday, June 25, 2007

start of week
new rose buds on potted bush
hibiscus in bloom

Sunday, June 24, 2007

St John's evening ~
two butterflies flutter
in the lavender


soir de St Jean ~
deux papillons volettent
dans la lavande

Please click onto image for larger text

Friday, June 22, 2007

staccato flash
of a firefly in the rain~
sultry summer night
jasmine and gardenia
on the ride home

Thursday, June 21, 2007

slow falling
drops of rain land
on my bare back
among the hot sweat~
summer solstice

It was also the night of the Samuel Johnson Prize on BBC4, where a friend was short-listed against some other top writers!

Please click onto image for large text version

BTW the little white dot is the pole star!

calendula flowers -
sun behind a cloud

leaves - bruised and
fallen to the floor

So tired today
couldn't resist last night's show
(clouds across the moon)

Last night's rain –

not enough for puddles,
but such loud birdsong!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

after the rain
wishing my annuals grew
as well the weeds

skirting Australia
the sunlit puddle
in the street

unlocking the door
the ants
have beat me home
reaching for a cloud
the toddler topples -
sits in the puddle smiling

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

red-winged blackbird
at the top of a tree,
holding, balancing

(Cross-posted at But Wait, There's More!)
both quiet
under summer moon -
our shadow


tous deux silencieux
sous la lune d'été -
notre ombre

Monday, June 18, 2007

beach weather
shopping for my first tattoo
I choose Kandinsky

Billie Dee

kuku makura

mid shift
watching a melon sky
blaze over the river
rain starting
spider running
between the drops
closing the shutter ...
opening the shutter ...
bees in the lavender


fermant le volet ...
ouvrant le volet ...
des abeilles dans la lavande
flowering vines
climb the grey yard wall
prison break

[A "dreamku," click here and just below DAILY DREAMKU are links to all three parts of a new post on writing dreamku.]

Sunday, June 17, 2007

above the dam
two black skimmers in flight

(Spied by an acquaintance above Central Park Lake's temporary dam in New York City. Much needed maintenance and repair is being done on the lake at present and I can imagine the wildlife in the park is being agitated by it. :-D)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

June Wedding

wide-eyed bride -
an eager groom bestows
open-mouth kiss

- Stephanie Roberts
three stories up
honeysuckle scents
the breezes

Friday, June 15, 2007

heron, stone-still -
wind suddenly
picks a feather from his wing

Thursday, June 14, 2007

after the rain
new grass shoots sprouting
in the windox box
gales -
webs bearded
with thistledown

Big Hole Valley
breath of the haystacks
warming the night

[Big Hole Valley in southwest Montana is the site of the
world’s largest wild hay harvest each July.]

--Billie Dee


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

june sunshine-
the freedom of an afternoon
with coffee & croissant

black gold slavery

apple orchard I pause as long as the fox cub

a morning
of puddles -
repeating everything

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

summer daydream...

on the way to work
how to grow personal wealth
through gardening
ducklings on the tow-path -
amongst the buttercups:
cat's eyes

Monday, June 11, 2007

shopping with sister
looking at neighborhood gardens
with new eyes
two blackbirds on a stump
centuries-old songs
in their beaks
forgetting...the way

Friday, June 8, 2007

dark night
suddenly lights up~
first firefly
first light
watering garden against
heat of the day
morning commute
napping under shade tree
cats and birds

flat tire
sidewinder tracks
in the moonlight

--Billie Dee

kiku makura

June arrives

June arrives
even in the evening
bright sun

words and photo © gerald england, 2007
red poppies
lean together
...dark eyes

Thursday, June 7, 2007

older couple
sitting under a shady tree
hand in hand
a last
teased by the breeze
between the old man
and the sparrow:
broken bread

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

garden find
tiny mimosa tree
among the vinca vines
too lazy to move
the cooling breeze
now a bit chilly

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

home from the beach with
sand in my shoes and swimsuit.
my skin is burnt red.
morning commute
orange roses dancing
over red daylillies
toddler wobbles
bubblebee zigs
first summer's grass
in the sun-baked trail
of the shopping cart
squashed red berries
a first bird visits -
the tiny apple tree
the old lady's roses
lean out
into the city

Monday, June 4, 2007

rainy sunday
washing out the enregy
to do chores


monday morning
new passion flower buds
curling toward the sun
roses hang from the wall
...faces of the
orphanage children

tired lawn

tired lawn
buttercups and daisies

© gerald england, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007

busy highway
a thousand cicadas
drown out the trucks

--Billie Dee

kiku makura

bee slipping out
of the foxglove's bell -
its work done
watermelon seeds,
spit out on the lawn as the
dry grass cuts our feet.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

stormy clouds -
an aphid on the lapel
of my jacket


nuages d'orage -
un puceron sur le revers
de ma veste

my blind setter
frozen on point
baby quail

--Billie Dee

kiku makura


droplets fall sounds of laughter in the park

photo: lori bierly
words: mandy smith
telephone call
the weather and I
in meltdown
in the sun
a crow sits
in a puddle of black feathers

Friday, June 1, 2007

early commute
red and white peonies
dancing in the wind

Thursday, May 31, 2007

summer breeze
slivers of colored glass
clink and sway

- Stephanie Roberts
sultry evening
taking the scenic route home
to enjoy the lawns

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sultry morning
mosqutios, ants and roaches
resting in the shade
cutting thyme
scrubland invades
the kitchen


coupant du thym
la garrigue envahit
la cuisine
summer -
each leaf thrusting
out into space

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

after weekend wedding
scent of lillies fills the house
and very sore feet

Sunday, May 27, 2007

the peony's
blood-red head
tilted on the sidewalk

(for Chet Baker)

lunch in the sun -
turmeric shines from
my samosa

Saturday, May 26, 2007


cautious footsteps
head towards home -
incoming tide

words & photo
© gerald england, 2007


upside down temperature rising greens everywhere

words: mandy smith
photo: lori bierly

Friday, May 25, 2007

mid morning chores
seeing first rose bloom on bush
nicer than its picture

Thursday, May 24, 2007

morning gardening
folding in earthworms
with the annuals

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


(Cross-posted over at But Wait, There's More!)
first light
waking to birdsong
before day's chores

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

midshift break
stopped by the honeysuckle
on the night air
sound of a waterfall
...wind through
the green willows

Monday, May 21, 2007


midday project
trenching, edging and filling
a new garden bed

Sunday, May 20, 2007

ducks image©Alan Summers 2007

river light-
two girls 'quack compete'
with the ducks

Check out The Lock Inn's own pictures where I was eating a Summer Sunday lunch: The Lock Inn Café

Where in the U.K. is this? Click here!
Intense sun --
even the cat
retreats to shade

Saturday, May 19, 2007

lazy morning
noticing the shades of blue
in the sky

lazy afternoon
sharing great cherry pie
with ant colony

Friday, May 18, 2007

serenaded by the birds
in the trees~
ending a busy day
with wordless thoughts

wild flowers
fill the little yard
missing the roses

weekend looming
beyond the gardening
chores stare back at me
wind of May -
someone whistles
in another garden


vent de mai -
quelqu'un siffle
dans un autre jardin

white on grey -
a gull flies
through the rain

rainswept path -
a woodpigeon walks
with drooping wing

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

in the tree
of heaven's shadows
hot dog vendor
raining afternoon
river lapping lazily
against it banks
sparrow sitting
peeps through the blossom
...laburnum ringlets

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

first light
rain filled coleous ridges
sparkle on back deck
peony unclenching
its redness
...beating heart

Saturday, May 12, 2007

doffed to summer
first the sweater
then the shoes and socks
sunny Saturday
first ice cream truck of summer
rolling down the street

Summer Haiku 2007

Welcome to Summer Haiku 2007. This blog will celebrate the summer season in haiku (and related forms) from now until the end of July.